Daniella Iwagoh
UX/UI Designer
An app that keeps track of our finances
The Restaurant Finder app is designed to assist users in selecting restaurants based on their current location and preferred city, while also providing optimal directions to the chosen restaurant. This straightforward and intuitive application presents vital restaurant information such as its name, address, phone number, and ratings. With its broad reach across Nigeria, the app makes it effortless for users to locate excellent restaurants.
3 Weeks
It's no secret that convenience foods have become a staple for many of us. With busy schedules and endless responsibilities, finding the motivation and energy to cook can be a major hurdle. That's why, after a long day, dining out often seems like the most practical and time-efficient solution. However, it can be difficult to identify restaurants that offer a superior user experience and consistently positive customer reviews. It's a challenge that many of us face when seeking out quality dining options.
The overarching goals for the app are to enhance its dynamism and incentivize users to open it more frequently, while also ensuring that the user interface remains simple and easily navigable. Also to enable users to search for restaurants anytime and anywhere, and to allow them rate and provide feedback on their dining experiences through the app.
Solo UX/UI Designer
User research, wireframing, prototyping.
In an effort to gain deeper insights into potential users and their motivations, needs, and objectives, I conducted interviews, created empathy maps, and performed a competitive analysis. The goal of these activities was to optimize the user experience when searching for restaurants. Based on my findings, I was able to identify the following pain points
The app requires you to sign in/sign up before you can use it.
No phone number to call
When there is traffic, it does not provide an alternative path
There is no opening or closing time
Through extensive personal use and observation of numerous restaurant finder apps, I have identified the primary challenges faced by users, namely:
1. Cluttered designs and unintuitive navigation, which impede their ability to locate and explore restaurants easily.
2. Time-consuming registration processes and limited availability to only one city, which hinders the user's ability to access the app'sfull range of features.
Abba-Stephen Benjamin
Abuja, Nigeria
Caritas University, Enugu, Nigeria
Electrical Engineering
Benjamin is a graduate of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. He is an Assistant Lecturer in Federal Polytechnic Kaltungo. He specialises in research, in evolving technology in electronics and telecommunication engineering.
User stories are fictional one-sentence stories told from the perspective of a persona to inform and inspire design decisions.
As an engineer, I want to be able to search and locate restaurants near me
So that, I can dine with friends
Says & Does
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